Drivers are not wanted yet

800px-Jurvetson_Google_driverless_car_trimmedWe have all had those days: rushing around, trying to get everything done, talking on the cell phone while driving. Your mind was somewhere else when suddenly the car in front of you stopped and you jammed your breaks. Too late! What could have prevented the accident? Obviously you, by paying more attention. Distracted driving is the most common cause of traffic accidents.

In the not-so-distant future, vehicles will be able to drive themselves. The autonomous cars will make our lives easier and we won’t have to concentrate on the road. The idea of a vehicle that can operate itself is not new at all. From the Batmobile to K.I.T.T. the driverless cars appear to have caught people’s imaginations.

No remote controls, no human input required. Complex systems that allow cars to drive themselves are being developed. Car makers are enhancing existing technologies such as pre-safe and self-parking systems. A car will operate on its own through sensors, lasers, radars and other technologies. Cars will communicate with each other to avoid traffic jams and prevent accidents. A navigation system will keep the vehicle on the road, recognize and escape obstacles and select speeds appropriate to the terrain.

However, for people who enjoy driving such a technology might seem like a waste. The tech companies promise that a driver can take control whenever he wants and they say that is important for safety reasons. Another big concern is people’s privacy. Automakers and GPS services will collect data about location and driving patterns by the car’s sensors and hi-tech systems. The government is expected to do more to protect driver’s privacy. Besides, various laws will have to be updated to make it legal using self-driving cars on the roads.

Automatic parking, crash avoidance, improved traffic flow, this technological innovation will mostly help those who are disabled and they would become more independent. Just imagine the opportunities that the self-driving technology will open up; it will enhance our lives, if they make it more affordable for the common people.

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