A Rocket Will Get You Anywhere on Earth in an Hour

800px-Clouds_over_AfricaThe vehicle would both take off and land vertically, just like a space rocket. It would fly New York to Tokyo and any other routes in about 30 minutes or at least under an hour.

The billionaire innovator unveiled his plans for his rocket at a presentation Friday in Australia. The rocket is named BFR and would also be able to carry satellites to orbit, people and cargo to the International Space Station. In addition, the rocket would complete missions to the Moon and Mars, according to Musk. The vehicle would contain 40 cabins and would be able to carry roughly 100 people at a time.

SpaceX has made a few smaller rockets land vertically up to now. However, the technical and commercial feasibility of those is yet to be determined. Musk promises in an Instagram post the rocket will be able to fly to most places on Earth in under 30 minutes and anywhere in under one hour. The cost per seat will be about the same as full fare economy on a common commercial plane.

According to Bloomberg.

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